Dr. Falecia D. 威廉姆斯是皇冠体育的第九任校长. 一个被证明是变革型仆人型领导者, 她重视学习和领导,并理解激励他人投资于自己的积极成果的力量.

PGCC会长杨志强博士大头照. Falecia威廉姆斯

Dr. Falecia D. 威廉姆斯,总统


Dr. 威廉姆斯在奥兰多的瓦伦西亚学院工作了近22年, Florida, 担任一系列逐步负责的职务, 包括市中心和西部校区的校长. In this role, 她负责提供学术, administrative, 以及支持这一愿景的财政领导力, mission, 和瓦伦西亚学院的价值观, 她的数据驱动的结果证明了她实现持久的能力, 通过有效的领导和建立伙伴关系取得显著成果.

一些亮点包括:颠覆性设计, development, and launch of a new educational ecosystem model for a joint campus in partnership with the University of Central Florida; implementation of a comprehensive $1.5 million Title III Pathways project to revamp student services and increase faculty engagement in coaching students for success; launch and management of a summer bridge program that resulted in a 97 percent course success rate and 87 percent retention rate compared to 80 percent course success rate and 76 percent retention when students engaged in traditional enrollment; and fundraising efforts totaling more than $30 million over five years.

在瓦伦西亚学院任职期间, 她还担任过西校区的临时教务长, 人力发展助理副总裁, 劳动力发展主任, and professor.


Dr. 威廉姆斯活跃在众多专业领域, business, 公民的努力, and board service including: Visit Orlando; Central Florida Regional Housing Trust; Coalition for the Homeless; Lifework Leadership Orlando; Parramore Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Development Team; Florida High Tech Corridor Workforce Development Team; Florida Department of Education Next Generation Curriculum Standards Committee and Subcommittee for Postsecondary Transition; the American Council on Education Postsecondary Transition Committee; and the Florida Association of Community Colleges.


Dr. 威廉姆斯获得了广泛的荣誉和奖项,包括:

  • 奥兰多商业杂志经济发展五大领袖
  • 奥兰多杂志,最值得关注的15个人
  • 奥兰多杂志,50位最具影响力人物
  • 佛罗里达中部基督教青年会年度杰出教育倡导者
  • 美国社区学院妇女协会领导奖


Dr. 他持有罗林斯学院的心理学学士学位, FL; a Master of Arts in Education, Teaching, 以及向斯泰森大学学习, FL; and a Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from University of Central Florida, FL.

她还拥有斯坦福大学设计思维专业人员的专业认证, 哈佛大学教育管理研究所(IEM). Dr. 威廉姆斯在阿斯彭学院的大学卓越计划中完成了阿斯彭总统奖学金.


Email: president@xmxjm.com
Phone: 301 - 546 pgcc (7422) | 301-546-0400